David Simon, David Mills and Eric Overmyer: The list reads like a televisual literary MVP line-up. Simon created The Wire, one of the most important and intelligent television shows of the past decade. Mills has written for The Wire and Simon's premiere show on HBO, The Corner. He also created Kingpin, NBC's crime drama counterpart to The Sopranos and Traffik.
Eric Overmyer has written and produced for The Wire, Law & Order and Homicide: Life on the Street.
If there's a better group of people to plot and execute a dramatic television series detailing New Orleans post-Katrina, I don't know who they are. On February 27th, after a few inquisitive e-mails, I was invited to the writer's room of this group's new project: Treme. There, we talked donuts, music and why people need to understand that this group is interested in doing more than just The Wire again.
Click here to check out the exclusive interview!
We'll have to wait until Summer to find out if the show has been picked up for a full season, but keep your fingers crossed.
Special thanks to the funny and funky David Mills, for making this interview possible. You can read his regular thoughts on music, race and life online here!
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